Thursday, October 17, 2019

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - A Strategic Analysis Assignment

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - A Strategic Analysis - Assignment Example The third area of examination is with internal strengths. One of the primary strengths for Krispy Kreme is their brand name. The company was founded in 1937 during the Great Depression era, yet survived and proved to be an American success story. Their long history built up good brand equity and reputation over the years. Another research article pointed to the new leadership now in place at Krispy Kreme, after they weathered various accounting and management scandals. James Morgan is the new company chairman; president; and CEO. Another key strength, which is well known, is that Krispy Kreme has a good quality product. Their products are available at many gas stations, supermarkets, Wal-Mart’s, and Target Stores, among other visible locations. The fourth area of examination is with internal weaknesses. One study of the company showed where there is a limited amount of healthy food choices at Krispy Kreme. A second resource pointed how low-carb diets became in fashion just abo ut the time that the company was rapidly expanding (Intini, 2007). Hoyt (2008) pointed out how the company seems to be closing too many stores. Their franchisees are struggling, and even though 28 new franchises opened in the first quarter of 2008; there were 7 closures. The company stated that they â€Å"will close additional stores in the future and the number of such closures may be significant. More problems exist as Krispy Kreme faces slowing customer traffic; a lack of product diversification; and high fixed costs.

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